News & Articles By David Williams
By David Williams
Geoengineering science: Aerosols impact cloud formation and weather; atmospheric scientists document the effects
Local efforts to reduce air pollution may not be enough to eliminate the possibility of severe weather conditions because of widespread aerosol use, according to new research. To be more specific, aerosols that have been released into the atmosphere can affect cloud formations and even influence weather patterns, according to researchers from the University of […]
By David Williams
Severe “ecological injury” has already been caused by the Sanchi oil spill, which is now threatening reefs, protected marine areas and the fishing industry
Remember the Sanchi oil spill? It has barely been a couple of months since that terrible accident happened, and yet it seems like most people have already began forgetting about it. Sanchi is an oil tanker that recently sank in the East China Sea, causing what some experts are now claiming to be almost irreparable […]
By David Williams
Radioactive contamination detected outside plutonium plant
The officials in charge of the Hanford situation are trying all they can in order to keep things under control, but somehow, things just don’t seem to be getting any better for them. In case you missed it, structural failure that resulted in the spread of radioactive contamination happened at the Hanford Nuclear Reservation site […]
By David Williams
Study links pollution from fracking to low birth weight babies
Fracking is a risky practice that is known to have a number of negative consequences. Now a new study conducted by a team of researchers from different universities adds yet another one to the list. Mothers who live near fracked natural gas wells are said to be more likely to give birth to babies with […]
By David Williams
Qantas biofuel-powered airliner required 150 acres of farm land to grow the fuel for a single flight
The world’s first biofuel flight between the U.S. and Australia was achieved with great success by the teams behind it — Qantas and Agricoma Biosciences rejoiced publicly as they both announced the completion of their historic flight. However, while the benefits of switching from conventional fossil fuels to biofuels for cross-country flights might be clear […]
By David Williams
California’s Central Valley food production found responsible for shocking amount of air pollution
A new study that was conducted by researchers from the University of California, Davis recently concluded that a large part of the nitrogen oxide pollution found in California comes from a rather unexpected source: Heavy fertilizer use in the California Central Valley region, which is said to be the source of more than half of […]
By David Williams
More proof biodiversity reduces the need for chemicals: Leaving strips of wildflowers across fields of crops reduces pesticide use
It’s a well-established fact that pesticides can have many adverse effects not just to humans but to the very crops that they are supposed to protect as well. And as far as current efforts to reduce pesticide use go, one of the known ways to do so involves planting wildflowers right around the perimeter of […]
By David Williams
The EPA has a new tool for dealing with and preventing mining disasters: robots
If you thought oil spills were bad, you should know the mine spills aren’t any better, as far as containment and cleanup are concerned. It has pretty much the same exact set of problems as oil spills, only they occur first on land, then only later spread to rivers and other bodies of water. While […]
By David Williams
Fracking waste is radioactive and endangers human health – there is NO safe way to dispose of it
Hydraulic fracturing – more commonly known as fracking – may still be legal in many states across the U.S., but there’s no denying that it’s a highly controversial practice. In the state of Colorado, which has issued strict guidelines regarding disposal of waste water from fracking sites, has now ruled that the waste is far too dangerous […]
By David Williams
Review of nuclear damage from Hiroshima, Fukushima focuses on dangers of nuclear radiation and the need to ban such weapons
As the whole world continues to cope with the realities brought forth by nuclear power and nuclear weapons, one review of the nuclear damage inflicted upon the cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki puts the spotlight on just how dangerous they truly are. Written by Eiichiro Ochiai, a Japanese researcher from the University of Tokyo, and […]
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