News & Articles By Ethan Huff
By Ethan Huff
U.S. government approves world’s first “vaccine” for honeybees – as if there aren’t already enough chemicals destroying our precious pollinators
The United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) just approved a conditional license for the world’s first “vaccine” for honeybees. The claim is that this new vaccine will help to fight the diseases that routinely ravage bee colonies, which are vital to food production. (Related: Honeybees have been under attack for many years by farmers who […]
By Ethan Huff
Chinese researchers celebrate study using mosquitoes to administer “vaccines”
Soon it will no longer be necessary to make an appointment to get vaccinated as Big Pharma’s latest endeavor involves using insects – in this case mosquitoes – to administer shots to people out in the wild without their knowledge or consent. Researchers out of China are reportedly celebrating their newfound ability to deliver what […]
By Ethan Huff
Latest climate curriculum for children pushes “emotion” over “rational thinking” – if it FEELS too warm, it must be fossil fuel and meat’s fault
Recognizing that there is little, if any, actual science to back the religion known as “climate change,” the Washington State Department of Health (WSDH) has developed new curriculum guidelines for students that urge teachers to focus more on “emotions” as opposed to “rational thinking.” Part of a five-part “Climate Change & Pregnancy” curriculum, the WSDH’s […]
By Ethan Huff
Microplastics are everywhere, including in New Zealand’s rainfall
New research published in the journal Environmental Science & Technology reveals that in 2020 alone, some 74 metric tons of microplastics – that is, the plastic particulates released from waste into the environment – fell on the city of Auckland in New Zealand via rainfall. The first peer-reviewed study of its kind to calculate the […]
By Ethan Huff
New York Times urges readers to “mate with short people to stop climate change”
Someone named Mara Altman who writes for The New York Times says that another way we can tackle the imaginary bogeyman known as “climate change” is to “mate with shorter people.” Since short people are “smaller” in terms of their height, Altman feels as though reproducing more of them instead of tall people will “potentially […]
By Ethan Huff
Bond villain-like mad climate scientist and virtue signaling CEO named “Iseman” (like Iceman) wants to freeze the world by polluting the skies with sulfur particles
A startup company-cult called Make Sunset is dragging the world into an even worse chemtrail hell as its CEO, a guy named Luke Iseman, announces plans to blast the skies with more sun-blocking sulfur pollution. Through the sale of “cooling credits,” Iseman, who compared himself to a “Bond villain,” says geoengineering activism is the way […]
By Ethan Huff
Comet Research Group analyzes Younger Dryas comet impact, says event dramatically altered the climate outside of humanity’s control
It remains an undeniable fact that the world’s climate is constantly changing. And the Comet Research Group makes a case for the worst cataclysmic changes from the past having absolutely nothing to do with human activity. The group put together a library of research about what its members called the Younger Dryas climate episode, which […]
By Ethan Huff
After DECADES of denial, corporate media admits chemtrail terraforming is happening right now to “fight climate change”
To keep natural sunlight from reaching planet earth and supporting life, a geoengineering startup company called Make Sunsets has begun deploying massive weather balloons to blast the stratosphere with reflective sulfur particles, all for the claimed purpose of “fighting climate change.” A phenomenon also known as chemtrails, these sulfur blasts stop the sun’s ultraviolet rays […]
By Ethan Huff
NO MORE AIR TRAVEL: Globalists want to close (nearly) all airports by 2050 to achieve “climate change” targets
In order to reach the globalists’ envisioned “zero emissions” paradigm by the year 2050, nearly all airports in the United Kingdom will need to be completely shut down, according to researchers at the University of Oxford and Imperial College London. A report from these two schools says that with the exception of Heathrow, Glasgow, and […]
By Ethan Huff
Progress: Woke investing takes major blow after Vanguard bows out of climate alliance
The world’s second-largest asset manager has announced its withdrawal from the Net Zero Asset Managers (NZAM) initiative, a major financial alliance that claims to be fighting “climate change.” Delivering a major blow to the Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) investing movement, Vanguard’s decision to axe its participation in NZAM, which only began just last year, […]
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