News & Articles By Ethan Huff
By Ethan Huff
Environmentalists are the arsonists of Australia: Fires made worse by shortsighted environmental policies that prohibit removal of forest fuel
The horrific wildfires that are scorching many areas of Australia right now are creating quite a disturbing scenario for the island nation, as photos and videos continue to emerge that can only be described as apocalyptic. But it didn’t have to be this way, according to English journalist James Delingpole, who blames misplaced environmentalist policies […]
By Ethan Huff
GREEN is MEAN: Electric cars and other “green” tech is built on the backs of child slave labor
Driving an electric vehicle around town is a source of pride for many climate fanatics who’ve convinced themselves that this “green” choice in transportation makes them the second coming of some kind of climate “christ.” But little do many of these virtue signalers realize that flaunting around in a Tesla or Prius actually signals that […]
By Ethan Huff
Going vegan is a pointless form of virtue signaling – it doesn’t help the environment or the planet, analysis reveals
Think you’re saving the planet from climate change by driving an electric vehicle and switching to a “plant-based” diet? Think again. In a paper he recently published, Bjørn Lomborg, director of the Copenhagen Consensus Center, deconstructs the myth that lugging around reusable grocery bags and using paper straws instead of plastic have any meaningful impact […]
By Ethan Huff
The top 10 most bizarre science stories of 2019
They say that truth is stranger than fiction, and this is definitely true when it comes to the world of science. Here are 10 of the most bizarre science stories that we covered this past year: GMO mosquito experiment goes horribly wrong: Insects adapt and overcome, transforming into super ‘mutant’ mosquitoes that could cause mass […]
By Ethan Huff
Did eco-fascist Greta Thunberg just call for the EXECUTIONS of world leaders who don’t comply with her climate change demands?
In a speech she recently delivered at the “Fridays for Future” gathering in Turin, Italy, eco-fascist Greta Thunberg called for the mass murder of politicians who refuse to give in to her deranged climate demands – or at least that’s what it sounded like she did. The 16-year-old TIME magazine “Person of the Year” pulled […]
By Ethan Huff
Confirmed: Monsanto is a criminal corporation that knowingly commits chemical crimes against all life on earth
Monsanto, the world’s most evil corporation, has pled guilty to illegally spraying banned pesticides on research crops in Maui back in 2014, for which it will now have to pay $10.2 million in criminal fines. According to reports, Monsanto both sprayed and stored a product known as Penncap-M that contains a banned insecticide known as […]
By Ethan Huff
Leftists set fire to amazon rainforests so they can raise money to fight the fires
Back in the summer, it was reported that the Amazon rainforests of South America were on fire due to “climate change.” But it has since come out that these fires may have actually been intentionally started by Hollywood actor Leonardo DiCaprio and a cohort of leftist “philanthropists” carrying out what you might call an environmentalist […]
By Ethan Huff
The worst idea ever? Genetically engineered plants will deplete the atmosphere of carbon dioxide, causing a mass die-off of food crops and rainforests
Carbonphobia is sweeping the globe as leftists continue to fear-monger about the “horrors” of carbon dioxide (CO2), and the “need” to eradicate it in order for “global warming” to end. And their latest “solution” to the “problem” is to unleash new varieties of genetically modified (GMO) plants that have the engineered ability to soak up […]
By Ethan Huff
“Composting” dead humans creates bio-goo that gets flushed down sewage pipes, turned into biosludge, then deposited on crops
Washington state is on the verge of legalizing the “composting” of human remains, which advocates say will create a new source of “organic fertilizer” for food crops. But this so-called “organic fertilizer” is actually a toxic and just plain disgusting bio-goo that will easily make its way into sewage systems, only to be “recycled” and […]
By Ethan Huff
Analysis finds that pharmaceutical drugs are destroying the environment – where are all the environmental activists?
If you’re reading this and are the type of person who desperately wants to save the planet from a “climate catastrophe,” listen up: One of the biggest polluters in the world today is the pharmaceutical industry. And the pollution is the residue of billions of doses of chemical pills that end up in the freshwater […]
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