News & Articles By Ethan Huff
By Ethan Huff
Monsanto attempts to discredit new study that proves YET AGAIN that glyphosate is dangerous even at low levels
An international team of experts has concluded, based on the results of a comprehensive new animal study, that glyphosate, the primary active ingredient in Monsanto’s Roundup herbicide, is highly toxic to humans – even at the very low doses that both Monsanto and the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) claim are completely “safe.” Monsanto is trying to discredit […]
By Ethan Huff
A 40-year history of deceit and collusion: How the EPA has been lying to you about the health hazards of pesticides
For the first time ever, the world has access to thousands of pages of formerly concealed documents that reveal the true extent of chemical industry corruption in our country. It’s all part of a project known as the “Poison Papers,” which covers more than four decades’ worth of collusion between chemical companies and the Environmental […]
By Ethan Huff
Vegan-friendly fashion found to be surprisingly bad for the environment
People who avoid fur and other animal-based materials in clothing, believing that this conscious choice makes for a better environment and planet, could be doing more harm than good in the long run, experts now say. That’s because vegan-friendly clothing is often made from synthetic fibers that, more often than not, are derived from petroleum […]
By Ethan Huff
Liberals increasingly living in cesspools of human filth and raw sewage, all while being preoccupied with “climate change” instead of cleaning up their own streets
One of the most “progressive” cities in the country – a well-known hotbed of liberalism, replete with aggressive activism for things like LGBT rights and government action on “climate change” – has become so filthy and disgusting due to its “anything goes” policies that a major medical convention has decided to stop holding its events […]
By Ethan Huff
Lunatic liberals now claim fossil fuels cause “petro-masculinity” that makes men hyper-macho
A liberal professor of politics and global security at Virginia Tech says that the continued use of fossil fuels for energy is contributing to a concept she made up called “petro-masculinity,” which in her own words represents “a reassertion of white masculine power on an unruly planet that is perceived to be increasingly in need […]
By Ethan Huff
Is the EPA really an environmental agency? Documents reveal their active agenda to suppress relevant science
Many on the left are convinced that President Trump couldn’t care less about the environment because he’s spoken about restructuring and even scrapping certain elements of the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). But evidence suggests that the EPA doesn’t really care about the environment, either, and that it actively suppresses relevant scientific information that threatens the […]
By Ethan Huff
Hawaii bans toxic pesticide “chlorpyrifos” linked to neurological damage in children… but it’s legal in the other 49 states (and you’re eating it)
New legislation was recently signed into law by Hawaii Governor David Ige that prohibits the use of pesticides containing a toxic chemical known as chlorpyrifos, which has been shown to lower IQ levels in children. Senate Bill 3095 is the first of its kind in all 50 states to take direct action against chlorpyrifos, which […]
By Ethan Huff
Radioactive water being stored at the Fukushima power plant approaches the limit; Japanese officials still have no plan to dispose of it
There’s almost no more room for anymore storage tanks at the Tokyo Electric Power Company (TEPCO) nuclear reactor site in Fukushima, Japan, which means that very soon there won’t be any way to dispose of the ever-growing amount of treated water, also known as tritium water, that continues to accumulate within the disaster area. Neither […]
By Ethan Huff
Celebrity chef arrested for allegedly attempting to murder a giant tree using Roundup herbicide and a drill
Television personality and former 2014 “Top Chef” contestant Adam Harvey, 33, has reportedly been arrested by Brooklyn police after he was caught trying to kill his neighbor’s 60-year-old tree using buckets of Roundup (glyphosate) herbicide and a hand drill. Harvey is apparently upset about the fact that the towering silver maple partially blocks sunlight from […]
By Ethan Huff
The latest left-wing ecological insanity: Clear-cutting forests to burn the trees for “green” energy
In the interest of stopping “global warming,” government officials in the United Kingdom have partnered with companies and governments in the state of Virginia to hack down large swaths of southern hardwood forest in order to create “biomass” energy for use across the pond. Since continuing to burn native fossil fuels like coal won’t help […]
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