News & Articles By Ethan Huff
By Ethan Huff
PROOF that liberals despise real science: EPA’s Scott Pruitt attacked for daring to require full transparency of scientific evidence behind EPA regulations
The so-called “Party of Science” is livid about new plans by U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) head Scott Pruitt to make the agency’s scientific regulatory process more transparent. Leftist “environmentalists” say that revamping the EPA’s rule-making procedures to be more open and honest in the public interest will be to burdensome to the EPA, which […]
By Ethan Huff
Geoengineering may destroy us all: Hysterical climate change scientists now trying to DIM the sun through planned atmospheric pollution
Remember when the mere mention of “chemtrails” in public was immediately shot down by scientific know-it-alls as a wacky “conspiracy theory” with no basis in reality? Well, chemtrails have now been given an official name – geoengineering – and even the mainstream media now openly admits that they’re real and being used to combat “climate […]
By Ethan Huff
Liberals freak out as EPA plans to bring full transparency to the science behind its regulatory decisions
It’s been quite a long while since the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has had to procure actual scientific evidence to back its regulatory decision-making process. But things are changing under the leadership of Scott Pruitt, an appointee of President Donald Trump, and the entrenched liberal mafia that has long controlled the narrative of “environmental […]
By Ethan Huff
“Tolerant” Leftists now targeting climate change “deniers” with escalating wave of vicious death threats
Rabid climate change fanatics are now sending vicious death threats to those with whom they disagree, including Marc Morano of Climate Depot, a climate truth website affiliated with the Committee For A Constructive Tomorrow (CFACT). On April 25, 2018, Morano reportedly received a hate-filled email from someone with the handle “f***
[email protected]
” (this being the censored […]
By Ethan Huff
Thousands of tons of New York’s human sewage is stuck on a train in Alabama… say what?
The 982 residents who live in the tiny town of Parrish, Alabama, have been stuck with a stinky, poop-filled freight train that’s been sitting on its tracks for several months now, and nobody seems to know where or when it might be removed. The train had reportedly been sent from New York City carrying tons of […]
By Ethan Huff
Walmart just filed six patents for robot bees – and it sounds like an episode straight out of Black Mirror
As honeybees and other vital pollinators continue their decline into what looks like total extinction, the Walmart corporation appears to be in the process of developing artificial bee “robots” that will presumably one day be used to pollinate plants in the absence of real bees, as well as identify crop damage and even spray pesticides. […]
By Ethan Huff
If the Earth’s magnetic field reverses, scientists think they know where ground zero will be
Many skeptics have been speculating over the past several years about Earth undergoing some major changes in the very near future – mainly with regards to the “flipping” of its magnetic field. And new research out of New York claims to have uncovered precisely where “ground zero” of this major event will take place. According […]
By Ethan Huff
Scientists create a cheap paper water filter that removes lead, arsenic and bacteria while being portable and disposable
Hands down, the most important factor in maintaining public health is access to clean water, and scientist Liangjie Dong from the University of Hawaii has come up with a revolutionary new technology that stands to bring clean water to even the poorest and most remote regions of the world – all for just a few […]
By Ethan Huff
Study of microbes found in cow stomachs could lead to energy extraction breakthrough, aiding in production of biofuels
To develop new techniques in maximizing food and fuel production in the modern age, researchers from The University in Edinburgh in the United Kingdom are turning to an unlikely source for answers: The living bacteria inside the guts of bovine animals. A new study claims that microbes may be the solution to figuring out how […]
By Ethan Huff
Corporate retaliation: Monsanto is trying to take down civic group that warned about health risks of glyphosate herbicide
A group that dedicates itself to conjoining people with the pressing policy issues that affect them is being targeted by the world’s most evil corporation for daring to spread the truth about the toxicity of glyphosate, a highly pervasive crop chemical that’s commonly sprayed on genetically-modified (GM) crops. According to reports, Monsanto has served the […]
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