News & Articles By Ethan Huff
By Ethan Huff
California to start recycling sewer water into tap water… and yes, it’s full of insane chemicals
Water has apparently become so scarce in the Golden State that some municipalities are about to begin piping recycled sewer water back into people’s homes, new reports indicate. The California State Water Resources Control Board recently announced new regulations that will allow treated wastewater to be reused as drinking water, though it won’t make up […]
By Ethan Huff
Hopi tribe is fighting the use of artificial snow made from treated sewage at a ski resort
One of the four ski resorts that calls the state of Arizona home is the subject of a new lawsuit alleging that the company managing it is defiling the sacredness of the land by spraying ski run terrain with artificial snow made from reclaimed water. According to the Hopi tribe, the San Francisco Peaks near […]
By Ethan Huff
Remember when geoengineering was labeled a “conspiracy theory?” … Now it’s routinely cited in science papers as a strategy for saving the climate
When Natural News first started talking about geoengineering several years back, some people accused us of spreading baseless “conspiracy theories.” Fast-forward to 2018, however, and discussion of “chemtrails,” as many people call them, has become mainstream, as studies like this one not only openly admit that the spraying of our skies is, indeed, happening, but […]
By Ethan Huff
Liberals have somehow convinced themselves that “women’s reproductive rights” are being suppressed by climate change… HUH?
Chelsea Clinton, the infamous daughter of career criminals Bill and Hillary Clinton, is following in the footsteps of her soon-to-be-imprisoned parents. She recently decided to spout a line of eugenics propaganda on Twitter, linking to an article published in The Washington Post that claims more women need to be allowed to abort their babies in […]
By Ethan Huff
Newsweek pushes Monsanto propagandist lies authored by scandal-ridden organic hater Henry I. Miller
Yet another mainstream news outlet, Newsweek, has decided to shamelessly spread fake news that bashes organics and promotes GMOs (genetically-modified organisms). And wouldn’t you guess it, but the stated author of this ridiculous hit piece is none other than Hoover Institution hack Henry I. Miller, who’s been caught on numerous occasions attaching his name to […]
By Ethan Huff
China is stealing solar panel jobs from American workers – Will Trump send a tough trade message?
All along the campaign trail, then-candidate Donald Trump emphasized how China has been aggressively manipulating its own currency in order to shadily gain an upper hand economically. And now the communist regime has been exposed for colluding to steal American jobs, particularly in the solar industry, which the International Trade Commission (ITC) is pushing now-President […]
By Ethan Huff
Your “green energy” may not be so green after all: rare earth elements used in solar panels and wind turbines are highly polluting
Renewable energy is taking the world by storm, as “greenies” everywhere welcome with open arms the latest iterations of solar panels, wind turbines, and other “clean” energy alternatives to traditional fossil fuels like coal. But one of the things that many people who believe in “green energy” fail to realize is that many of their […]
By Ethan Huff
Climate spin: Documents reveal EPA’s projection of reducing “premature deaths” with clean power was grossly misleading – reduction of carbon dioxide would NOT prevent deaths
If you could sum up Barack Obama’s legacy as a leader in just one word, it would be “deception.” The Lord of Lies appears to have instructed the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) several years back to fabricate statistics about the alleged benefits of his so-called “Clean Power Plan” which, contrary to what the agency under […]
By Ethan Huff
Jerry Brown peddles climate lunacy; blames California fires on “global warming”
Hundreds of thousands of acres in Southern California are currently burning to a crisp – with no end in sight – and the state’s governor, Jerry Brown, has decided to politicize these unprecedented wildfires as being a direct consequence of man-made global warming. During a recent speech he gave while touring neighborhoods in Ventura County, […]
By Ethan Huff
Major climate change study just confirmed the climate was changing dramatically in the 1800s, long before the invention of the combustion engine
A new study on climate change claims that global cooling events that took place in Europe during the 19th century were directly responsible for driving millions of German immigrants, including Donald Trump’s ancestors, to the United States in pursuit of warmer pastures. But in attempting to take a subtle jab against our current president, this […]
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