By Ethan Huff
Geoengineering may destroy us all: Hysterical climate change scientists now trying to DIM the sun through planned atmospheric pollution
Remember when the mere mention of “chemtrails” in public was immediately shot down by scientific know-it-alls as a wacky “conspiracy theory” with no basis in reality? Well, chemtrails have now been given an official name – geoengineering – and even the mainstream media now openly admits that they’re real and being used to combat “climate […]
By Vicki Batts
“Climate change” hoax starting to crumble as scientists admit doom projections were totally wrong
Climate change has been presented as an irrefutable fact; a happening that cannot be ignored, with even the slightest change in weather being named a harbinger of imminent disaster. But the truth is that the notion of global warming has always been up for debate — and new science continues to show that the world […]
By JD Heyes
Schwarzenegger vows to “terminate” oil companies with lawsuits after accusing them of “first-degree murder” for causing climate change
Hollywood mega-star and former governor of California Arnold Schwarzenegger used to drive a gas-guzzling Hummer and was criticized in 2008 for using a private jet almost daily to commute from his Brentwood home to his office in Sacramento. But that was then. Today, the former professional bodybuilding champion is a champion of global warming and […]
By Isabelle Z.
NOAA caught AGAIN altering temperature data to exaggerate “global warming” hoax
The climate change alarmists appear to be up to their usual tricks, with the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) getting caught yet again exaggerating global warming by tinkering with raw temperature data. The recent cold snap that hit the northeastern U.S. and broke temperature records is inconvenient to their narrative, so they’re doing what […]
By Jayson Veley
Former EPA scientist calls on Trump to end the “fake science” bureaucracy that has taken over the federal government
While you’ve probably heard of the term “fake news,” which is most often used in reference to the spread of inaccurate or fabricated political rhetoric, one term that is heard less often but deserves just as much attention is “fake science.” As the name implies, fake science refers to scientific data that has been intentionally […]
By Lance D Johnson
Over 31,000 scientists say global warming is a total hoax; now they’re speaking out against junk science
Over 31,000 scientists have united against the political agenda of global warming. The scientific consensus, which includes over 9,000 scientists with Ph.D.s, supports the necessity of carbon dioxide and sheds light on the agenda of global warming, which includes industrial energy rationing, central economic planning, and global taxation schemes. These scientists are now speaking out against the hoax […]
By Mike Adams
Climate change science implodes as IPCC climate models found to be “totally wrong” … temperatures aren’t rising as predicted … hoax unraveling
A stunning new science paper authored by climate change alarmists and published in the science journal Nature Geoscience has just broken the back of the climate change hoax. The paper, authored by Myles R. Allen, Richard J. Millar and others, reveals that global warming climate models are flat wrong, having been deceptively biased toward “worst […]
By Martin Mavis
Climate Change Scientists Launch Geoengineering Experiment That May Accidentally Cause Global Famine (Video)
Harvard scientists are pursuing a geoengineering experiment to block out the sun to halt “global warming.” Read more at ClimateScienceNews.com and Environ.news Climate change scientists launch geoengineering experiment that may accidentally cause global famine from NaturalNews on Vimeo.
By JD Heyes
Climate change baloney: Study finds “adjustments” were made to surface temp readings to FAKE “record-setting” warming
Yet another peer-reviewed study has proven that so-called “global warming” is nothing but a fabricated hoax, and yet American institutions of primary and secondary education continue to push the lie that modern human activity is destroying Earth. As reported by The Daily Caller, the new study, which was published by a pair of scientists and […]
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